Worship Team

Helping with Worship

There are many ways to participate in worship besides sitting in the pew.  Here are some of the ways you can help make worship meaningful.


The Church Choir usually sings in the 8:00 am worship service  Rehearsals are weekly and no previous experience is necessary.  

The Praise Team sings in the later worship service and also rehearses weekly.  The team is accompanied by guitar, keyboard and percussion and leads the congregational singing.  No previous experience is required.

The Bell Team performs periodically using hand chimes and hand bells.  The ability to read music is helpful.  

Instrumentalists add to worship.  Volunteer keyboard players and other instrumentalists are welcome.

Ushers and Greeters

Ushers are needed at every worship service to distributed bulletins, help people to their seats, collect the offerings and tidy the sanctuary following worship.

Greeters stand near the entry before each service and welcome worshippers.  They may also help distribute literature.

Worship Participants

The Altar Guild is responsible for set up of the elements of Holy Communion, which is celebrated at most worship services.  A reliable team of volunteers is essential.

Readers participate in the worship service by reading Scripture lessons and other readings under the direction of the pastors.

Elders and their assistants participate in the distribution of Holy Communion.  Those with prior experience are invited to assist under the direction of the pastors.

Audio-Visual Team

A group of trained volunteers work behind the scenes in the AV booth, monitoring the sound system, operating the Powerpoint projectors and videotaping worship services for posting on the church website.  They work under the direction of a staff member and enhance the worship experience for those in attendance and those at home who are not able to attend.

Worship Follow-up

Following weekend worship services, volunteers log attendance, straighten up the sanctuary and narthex, and perform related tasks under the direction of the church secretary.

How to Help

Those interested in helping in any of the tasks listed here are encouraged to speak personally with the person in charge of the respective area, contacting them by email or completing the form above which will be sent to the church office.