Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through words, sacraments and deeds, bringing Christ to the community and the world.

You are welcome here!

We are happy to have you visit our website and learn more about us. But more than that, we would love to have you come and visit us in person.  In addition to worship opportunities, we offer many activities that offer connections with others, personal growth in your faith, and service to our community.  God has blessed us mightily and we look forward to sharing those blessings with you.
Pastor Mark Friedrich

Welcome to Worship

Saturday, 5:00 pm: Blended Worship

Sunday, 8:00 am: Traditional

Sunday 10:30 am: Contemporary 


Bible Study Class (Adults)
9:15 am • Family Life Center

Sunday School (Children and Youth)
9:15 am • Family Life Center

MVLC is a member of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod with headquarters in St. Louis,  Missouri.  For a complete statement of beliefs and doctrines for our church body, click here

Mar 01
Mar 01

Come, Join Us!